Saturday, 2 April 2011

some photos ...

daisies everywhere

windblown and cold on the southern coast

One transport option Ragusa Ibla

another sunrise...

Ragusa Ibla street scene

a simple lunch ...fresh tomato, sardine and goat cheese salad

more wildflowers

omg! how do I get out of this town!

old villa

older villa

bakery Ragusa Ibla

view of other Ragusa

streets at siesta time

my favourite sunset far

Ragusa Ibla was used as the set of many old Italian movies

another hilltop town

my favourite time of day

even the cows are well fed

a storm is brewing

Italian version of a pub

storm arrives

view from santuario

yet another one!

one of the many ceramic shops at San Stefano

1 comment:

  1. Loved the latest series of blog posts and photos - you're a blogging natural. Keep them coming
