Wednesday 20 April 2011

5 weeks down ...47 to go!

this horse took off from the annual fair and stated swimming to Vulcano a nearby island. it took a team of men all morning to bring him back!

this is an angry sea! very different to the angry ocean I am used to.

annual St Agatha fair ...some wares for sale

a horse lovers' heaven.. with bridles and other horsey things galore

made it to the waterfall in the Nebrodi mountains

glad I insisted on buying a panino was a 10k walk!

cherry trees in blossom

another piazza...lots more men just hanging around

ah the tranquillity...

shepherd's hut

fresh fruit and veg that actually tastes fresh

ah the solitude...

car that will be used for the wedding of my hosts' daughter next month...

Another week has just flown by. I just can’t believe how quickly.

It’s been a bit of everything. In part determined by the weather –bitterly cold and raining at times-and at other times spring-like, and in part a function of opportunity, and my own energy and choices.

I have been to an annual horse fair, to the theatre (again), met up with a number of really interesting and loving locals, had a divine massage, walked, cycled and even jogged along Lungomare, taken on the Italian bureaucracy, been offered an “opportunity for growth’ experience, emailed Spiros and George (both who claim to be the best taxi drivers in Athens!) to arrange my trip to Meteora, Delphi and Rhodes, been touched by the feedback about my blog, organised a rough itinerary for the next month and booked some fares and accommodation and generally had a great time.    

Reflecting on my time in Sicily so far, it is as if I have had an EAT, PRAY, LOVE experience, all in the same place and in a much shorter period of time than it took Julia!

As I wrote to a friend this morning, being here has been

“an opportunity to go beyond the superficial and acknowledge and experience the "good" and "bad" of every situation”.

I have enjoyed the “ordinariness” of my life here, going to “borrow” an egg from my old neighbours, shopping for and preparing a simple meal from scratch and meeting friends for a chat and hot chocolate at the “bar”.

I have been proud of myself too.

Teaching English to a number of people, taking into account their differing needs, fears, expectations and ability and watching them improve and become more confident.

Conducting informal cross cultural counselling sessions and being able to explain foreign concepts and ideas with limited vocabulary, to a range of “clients”.

Treading sometimes murky waters without falling in…understanding and negotiating complex relationships and cultural differences (dealing with gossip, historical conflict, superstitions and sensitivities with surprising far!)

Coming to terms with hospitality!

Managing a couple of difficult times, with integrity, flexibility and presence.

Forgiving myself and others for our imperfections.

And above all rediscovering aspects of myself that I really like and in the main, practicing what I preach!

I may not always get it right, and even though I can still so easily lose my equilibrium, I am becoming better and quicker at regaining it.

Before I left Australia, a friend sent me a poem by DH Lawrence which I really love. It speaks to me of self love and of the importance of recognising that everything, no matter how wonderful is only temporary.

Slowly the moon is rising out of the ruddy haze
Divesting herself of her golden shift
And so emerging white and exquisite;
And I in amaze
See in the sky before me a woman I did not know
I loved, 
but there she goes and her beauty hurts my heart;
I follow her down the night, begging her not to leave

A presto
Mon x

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